القائمة الرئيسية


قاموس لونجمان بصيغة pdf 


مميزات الكتاب من موقع امازون 

  • Features

  • Comprehensive intermediate level dictionary with 55,000 words and phrases and 36,000 example sentences

  • Extra vocabulary help for students who are studying other subjects in English — 3,500 words of content vocabulary and the Academic Wordlist are highlighted

  • 3,000 Thesaurus boxes help expand students' vocabulary

  • 3,000 etymologies show the origins of words

  • Helps students avoid common errors with spelling, usage and grammar notes

  • Teach your students to use dictionaries with the updated Learner's Handbook

  • Academic Study Center helps students with reading, writing and exam preparation

  • Separate thesaurus section helps students expand vocabulary
  • Photo dictionary helps with vocabulary building

للتنزيل اضغط هنا

 عند التحميل انتظر 5 ثوان ثم تخطي الاعلان .

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